“Most Important Undisturbed War Site” Today the property is covered with medium growth hardwood trees and mountain laurel. Although this land was partially cleared and farmed almost a half-century prior to the Revolution, the core of the encampment site was subjected only to sheep and cattle grazing for the following century and a half. Examples of undisturbed in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web At the same time, state officials across the American South were enforcing segregationist policies, practices and laws that advanced a theory of white supremacy and the racial inferiority of African Americans, undisturbed. ‘the tombs had lain undisturbed for 2,500 years’ ‘Make sure your child has a quiet place to work undisturbed by others.’ ‘The moon is a very quiet and undisturbed place compared to the earth.’. Synonyms for undisturbed include calm, collected, serene, tranquil, unperturbed, untroubled, composed, placid, sedate and peaceful. Find more similar words at. Critique: 'An Undisturbed Peace' is a compelling novel taking as its theme the infamous 'Trail of Tears' event that saw the wholesale exodus of Native Americans from their homeland as governmental forces removed them to more hostile reservation locations further west.
Examples of undisturbed in a Sentence
John Fitzgerald Kennedy:
I want to emphasize in the great concentration which we now place upon scientists and engineers how much we still need the men and women educated in the liberal tradition, willing to take the long look, undisturbed by prejudices and slogans of the moment, who attempt to make an honest judgment on difficult events.
Fernandez de Andrada:
For me it is sufficient to have a corner by my hearth, a book and a friend, and a nap undisturbed by creditors or grief.
Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate:
There comes a phase in life, at least once in a lifetime, when one finds himsef/herself totally alone..so utterly alone that one must withdraw into one's innermost self. there is no other option but to endure that bitter suffering. When one overcomes that overpowering solitude, one is no longer alone. Through this solitude and the soul searching, we find that our innermost self is the divine spark of life, the indivisible spirit that comes from the Supreme Power - God. And after that moment of self-realization, the awakening from material world, we find ourselves in the midst of the chaos of this world, and yet totally undisturbed by its multiplicity, fully in sync and accepting the world as is - because our innermost soul we know ourselves to be one with all being.
Yaniv Zigel:
You can sleep naturally, undisturbed, without any sensors connected to you or your mattress.
Rebecca Foote:
It's an extraordinary opportunity, you rarely get the chance to carry out a best-practice, state-of-the-art integrated survey on such a large scale and in a landscape that's largely undisturbed.
Undisturbed’s business model, ethos, values and mission will all contribute to the achievement of a circular business.
Good Design and Good Materials
Found Undisturbed Crossword
With each decision they make, they will be driven by good design and good material choices. The circular design of their products will ensure what they put into the world is designed to last and will work with nature and our environment. This means products will be made for repair, reuse, repurposing, remanufacturing or, at the final stage, recycling. All within a closed loop cycle where the organisation takes responsibility for what happens next. They also have plans in place to ensure packaging is not just zero waste but will offer customers something useful for their wellbeing.
‘Waste’ as a Resource
In nature nothing is wasted and this is what Undisturbed will continually strive for. For them ‘waste’ = ‘resource’. One of the first products in their range will incorporate a blind style mechanism, utilising unwanted roller blind tubes, diverting this valuable metal from landfill. Material choices and future product development will seek to utilise sustainable natural or new materials made from ‘waste’.
Undisturbed Clue
Undisturbed Flow
How to download utorrent for windows 10 64 bit. Circular Business Model
Undisturbed Synonym
The aim for Undisturbed’s circular business model will be to introduce a Product-a- a-Service model and an incentivised returns model. Customers will be rewarded for sending their products back, which takes the pressure off them on what to do when they no longer want or need a product. This allows Undisturbed to manage the materials and resources, bringing them back into the business.